Each and everyday in Rome an estimated 3,000 Euros are tossed into the Trevi fountain with hopes of new romance, good luck and wishes. As the legend tells it one must throw two coins into the fountain for good luck. One must throw them out of their right hand over their left shoulder. Although this seemed cheesy, it was one of the main places that were on my long checklist of “must sees” in the vast city of Rome. When arriving I excepted to gaze at another beautiful fountain full of history and statues and beautiful baroque intricate, incredible monument, which seemed to blend together after two full days in Rome. For a 360 view of the fountain visit this site: http://www.italyguides.it/us/roma/trevi.htm Instead I came away with a greater knowledge of the importance of this monument to the great empire of Rome as well as the significance of the technological advance of the aqueduct that makes Rome’s geographical center today. This iconic fountain is located in the small Trevi Square located in the Quirinale District. For a map of this location and further transportation information click on this link: http://www.aviewoncities.com/rome/trevi.htm
This fountain is the ending point of the “Aqua Virgo” an aqueduct that was made in 19 BC. This aqueduct brings water all the way from the Salone Springs and supplies water to all the fountains in the historic center of Rome. Aqueducts display the genius of the ancient Romans, these are large structures that basically transport water, a “water road” for more history and construction information: http://www.rome.info/ancient/aqueducts/ Because of this technological advancement this monument was made possible, as well as an empire because of this system of aqueducts Rome was able to transport water and become the urban and large city it is today. Not only does this fountain represent this technological advance of supplying water to Rome but also it shed light to Rome as a place of importance through the elaborate fountain. The fountains many figures also hold meaning it is a two tiered fountain, with Neptune his chariot and his sea horses on the sides you see statues that represent abundance and health. As I contemplated a wish while looking across the vast fountain I also thought to myself, this was built in 400 years ago, they were able to make this that long ago, that’s insane. I looked around at my group of friend who were also thinking hard about their one wish we all got ready to make a wish one by one. As the Ancient Romans did I turned around backwards put two coins in my hand, I closed my eyes tight and clenched my two 10-cent coins.
I thought hard and said my wish to myself I threw my coins effortlessly over my left shoulder in hopes of good luck. They splashed into the fountain, one of the most memorable moments of my adventure to Rome. Heiken states “ From lessons of urban development and prosperity, the Roman people developed the capacity to recognize and manage in a positive way the natural resources of the region. The volcanic terrain, the Tiber River and its complex watershed, the water resources of the central Apennines and surrounding countryside, and the abundant natural materials for construction, roads, and aqueducts have all contributed to the birth, growth and success of Rome.”http://www.google.com/books?hl=de&lr=&id=d0Zk_Vh3J8EC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=Trevi+Fountain&ots=BOOzzc9lgb&sig=oTiYdLvnJuRBB6LWaOxkZ8oCnAY#v=onepage&q=Trevi%20Fountain&f=false This encapsulates the greater meaning of the Trevi Fountain, greater than the legend of good fortune, a legend of the success of an empire through aqueducts.
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